Di spring of romance ” He just sniffled without answering. As I yawned, lost in idle thoughts, something slipped into my mouth. ” “Huh? Oh, I tried to do the same. If it’s about a man, it’s probably about Woo Ji-min, but who could the woman be? “Were you at the library earlier?” “I don’t think that’s a good… I must have rambled in my sleep because he chuckled lightly. Because you’ll only eat with me. Should this even feel this good? It felt amazing, but I hated it. Does starting a job make you humble? Anyway, when I asked about school, he naturally replied that he had… Whether it was my mood or not, the atmosphere felt strangely peculiar. However, the atmosphere was difficult to set. I understand that he might not want to do it right now because he was in pain, but his lack of response was so awkward that I wondered if he didn’t want to do it with me anymore. ” The answer came from Tae Seong-je’s mouth, not from the other person. Thank You~ Even though it was clearly not a recent wound, I couldn’t help but ask. Park Kang-woo said he would contact me from time to time and I didn’t think he would do it obsessively, but I couldn’t understand why he bothered me so much. Values may change… Sometimes we re-judge and define situations that have already ended. I should have handled my stress well, but I was careless. “Hyung, breathe. When I looked up, the lights were turned on and the majority of the students were seated. Tae Seong-je, who must have noticed that I had… I could see how much Seo Seung-joon liked Seo Seung-won while staying with Seo Seung-won’s family for a year. There was a… DI Ch 11 by Springlila I don’t know what’s funny that makes the corners of Tae Seong-je’s mouth go up. He looked a little dazed. Rather than getting goosebumps, I let out a curse. I wondered if he would still do that even after I graduate and start working. ” “Let’s see it tomorrow. Tae Seong-je was twenty-four, far too… “Ah!” “How cute. …Wait, but do I really have anything to feel sorry about? “Right, sure… I guess I must have done something. Thank You~. But why does your friend call you Seo Seung-joon? Do you have two names? Do your parents know about this?” “Ahem. The lecture appeared to be starting soon. Somehow, that action seemed like he was pretending it was nothing… My heart pounded uneasily. The pavilion, which must have been hidden somewhere, was large and even magnificent. Please. Avoiding his eyes, I carefully exhaled the breath I had swallowed. He explored every tooth – from my canines to my molars – with his tongue, even stimulating from my palate to… “I may have ruined the mood back then, but that was because I didn’t know any better. He had scolded his lover in front of his subordinates, damaging my pride until the end. He never misses a beat. Everyone is waiting for you. “But what am I doing over there?” Uh-oh. I’ll get you something warm then. It had been a week since I started exercising for rehabilitation and strength training. Although I’d lost quite a bit of muscle from being bedridden, I wasn’t worried since I was young and expected to recover quickly. What am I supposed to do?” “Are you going to keep this up?” Was he scolding me for rambling on? “So, you’re saying you’re not going to let me… As I stretched, feeling a bit sleepy and stiff, my body felt refreshed, but the drowsiness didn’t fade. That’s how it started, but somehow we ended up becoming really close. I had to wait until Tae Seong-je himself mentioned it before I could know. I fell to the ground before I could even be startled, breaking out in a cold sweat without even being able to grasp my rapidly beating heart. Maybe he was disappointed. I found myself absentmindedly stroking my knee. More precisely, it was a small aquarium within an amusement park. Finally alone, the emotional rollercoaster that had been rising began to calm down. How rude of me to make such an assertion without having seen it with my own eyes. With such a good relationship between the brothers, today must have been a shock. Your complexion changes even if I move just a little bit upwards… I’m afraid you might faint before I even do anything. …So, if rationalizing that moment as not frightening and bearable because you love me was your way of coping,… “Do you think I want to see you do it for no reason? It’s because I want to do it with you. I leaned in to listen to his low voice and looked up at the dark sky. He seemed to be watching my reaction, so I urged him to speak quickly without dragging it out, as it was frustrating. ”… The Delicate Little Beauty was Spoiled Wild by the Fierce and Rough Man 49 books based on 15 votes: Scandal in Spring by Lisa Kleypas, Come the Spring by Julie Garwood, Frederica by Georgette Heyer, The Light in the Piazza by Mar 26, 2021 · Release date: April 6 What it's about: The widowed Diana, Lady Templeton and Jeremy, Marquess of Willingham are known for flirting with fire. So, did I fall in love with Tae Seong-je at first sight because of Seo Seung-won? Then I could understand the uncontrollable beating heart. I had almost fallen into the pond. ” “No, I…” Min Jeong-oh used to accept drinks easily, but ever since he caught me drinking, he doesn’t want to drink even a single drink. The familiar face felt strangely unfamiliar. ” As I groaned in pain, the senior said with a mischievous tone. Park Kang-woo had advised me not to overdo it, but I waved him off, saying that I wasn’t taking any medication… Thanks to that, I thought of Kang Moo-hyun again. “Maybe I should have accepted it earlier. Was it because he also felt betrayed by me? Cold, so cold. So, revealing what I had learned from the book was out of the question. You say it’s cutely. The problem was that I was too focused on my thoughts. I didn’t say “hyung” while on the phone, so he shouldn’t know if the person on the other end was a man. Now, even hearing someone else’s KakaoTalk notification was enough to irritate me, but if I… DI Ch 122 by Springlila Unlike the bright smiling face, the sarcastic tone was so unfamiliar that I wondered if I had heard it the wrong way, but my ears were not blocked at the moment. I rarely drank this much at once, so I could feel the alcohol setting in. Seo Seung-won’s father gently hugged my shoulders as I was thinking useless thoughts. Since I realized that the calmer I was, the less pain I felt, so I desperately tried to… In the midst of the graduation ceremony, an ant was dead under my feet with its belly capsized. Now, here. ” “If someone does that, tell them to go away. Is that why? The warmth of his hand quickly turned lukewarm, and the fullness in my heart became emptiness all at once. Lee, Hyun, Wook. It made me feel like eating less hadn’t been worth it. I felt incredibly strange. Even though I had mentally cheered him on, I doubt it had any real effect. ” “Now. “You asked me to call him. Who said we’d never do it again? I’m doing this for your sake, so be patient. Only Grandma believed in me and gave me pocket money to live on. A year may pass, or perhaps ten years may pass by, and there may come a day when you think about today again. But their sharp-witted barbs spark a wager: If Jeremy “Yes. No one would have… Your Donation Will Go To Our Site Maintenance and Hosting Fund. These guys are the same here as they were there, so… As I passed the folding screen and crawled forward diligently,rubbing my eyes upon realizing there was still a long way to go. ” His humble response didn’t match the stressed look on his face. ” Startled by my voice coming out higher than usual, I stumbled on the last word. … DI Ch 1; DI Ch 2; DI Ch 3; DI Ch 4; DI Ch 5; DI Ch 6; Despite it being the warmest spring weather yet, and the air still feeling warm even in the light rain, my “Both my mom and dad really disliked it and opposed it, but now that it’s making money, they find it fascinating. It might not always work as intended. I mouthed the name of my friend once more. Indeed, Tae Seong-je. We had been together for a year and a half, despite the difference of just two grades, or rather two years, between us. If it rains, all these cherry blossoms will fall. I really didn’t intend to drink, but it seemed impossible. I would have done it anyway, even if I had known. One day, ‘I’ transmigrated into the character Seo Seung-won in a BL novel given to me by my little sister without warning. You won’t listen when I tell you to drink moderately… “Is it tough? What’s so tough?” “…” “But you should only have a hard time in front of me. je’s He didn’t seem offended, so I looked at him, grabbed his wrist, and sat him in a roughly suitable place. There was no reason for it, but I couldn’t bring myself to suggest turning off the light, fearing it might come across suggestively. ” “Pardon?” “I mean, at the company. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I knew he had no intention… I muttered while holding my forehead as my head started to ache slightly. For the past week, the annoying sound of KakaoTalk messages had been driving me crazy. She probably gave you money to stop your whining, not because she believed… I don’t want to ruin it, but I don’t know what’s ahead for people. ” It seems I wasn’t the… Feeling like he needed a moment alone, I decided to wait a bit. “You got a job, right?” “Thanks to you. ” “If it’s for my sake, shouldn’t we do… It started with a stingray. To others, I must have appeared as if I had no shame whatsoever. But now you know everything, so why do you keep laughing?” The worst scenario I had imagined was him suddenly stopping, saying he couldn’t do it because I felt like his child. “It seems like we’ve been lacking in conversation. Breathe properly. I felt sorry for… However, what we ended up watching was a documentary about p0rn stars. Or was it just because it was spring? What did I even do, and it’s already spring? Time sure flies. I discreetly and quickly bought an R-rated film, acting as if nothing… It seemed that when we kissed, my ears inevitably heated up. I… “Why are you being so cheerful?” It was good but it felt a little forced. “It’s because I really don’t understand. Maybe it’s because I didn’t expect to suddenly meet like this, even though I had asked for it. “Uh, sorry?” I was taken aback by the insincere apology, but I decided to let it slide as it was probably a mistake made in the heat of the moment. You need to see it. “Wasn’t… Wasn’t that not there before?” No, was it there? I touched… I took a deep breath, feeling embarrassed to the point of death, but I put force into my abdomen and shouted out quite loudly before emptying the glass. Even though I was reluctant because it was someone else’s memories, on the other hand, it felt good to feel like I was experiencing a happy childhood. And when someone lifted the curtain that covered my field of vision, I belatedly realized that I had become very small. “…Can I take a… I thought back to the moment when the building’s floor collapsed. ” “…” For a moment, I almost panicked thinking he really didn’t know. I stared blankly at the old professor, who… Since Seo Seung-won originally liked Tae Seong-je… Then it makes sense. After seating me up here, he came close, embracing my waist… He stepped away from me and moved towards the speechless man whose legs had begun to tremble. “And you said with your own mouth that you’re Seo Yi-yeon. And it was also clear that I couldn’t reveal who he was or what he did. The hue of the man’s pants on the floor gradually became weird. This was equally true for Tae Seong-je. Whenever I try to spend money, he always prevents me, saying where a student would get money from. He hugged my waist and rubbed my cheek. ” If it was a misunderstanding, I… “Fvck, ah, shit, I said stop, ah, stop…” I couldn’t swallow my saliva with my mouth open, so I clenched my teeth and let out a strained sound from my throat. It’s so far… I hadn’t realized how spacious the room was because he always walked with such long strides. I wondered when I’d get used to these noises. A grape? Oh,… Though it’s a common phrase, I couldn’t help but think of Tae Seong-je. There was another reason. It was the summer of the year following our unexpected reunion, when we thought our connection had ended with his graduation. Was he planning to tell me… His breathing mixed in with the agitated tone was unsettling. The sensation of him swallowing and sucking me up was both intensely stimulating and terrifying. You won’t even take the herbal medicine I send. Recommended Novels Latest Updates Latest Chapters Advanced Chapters Feb 15, 2024 · Tae Seong-jae… he’ll take me home. As I had resolved not to rush things, I waited patiently. Ah, right. When he smiled coldly, I didn’t feel that way… but when he smiled brightly as if he was having fun, it… The moment someone shouted loudly, Seo Seung-won’s father hugged me in his arms. Tae Seong-je’s back wriggled as if trying to… “Whether it be through writing, people, or changing times. I didn’t like getting attention, but now that I think… Tae Seong-je seemed to be in a dreadful conversation with someone who couldn’t understand a word he was saying. The man’s leg trembled more with each step Tae Seong-je made. I felt a sense of comfort, and my heart beat pleasantly in… “I’ve never heard that name before. Don’t do that when I can’t see you because it’s annoying. “Seung-won. “Oh. If this hypothesis is correct, Seo Seung-won is an idiot with no answers. At least for streaming, you need good equipment for clear, high-quality video. “Why do you like me?” For a moment, I wondered if I had heard correctly. As I couldn’t take my eyes off it, he moved fluidly to put on a white shirt that was lying on the bed. “Do you have clean money?” His scrutinizing gaze was quite intimidating, so I hid my face in the pillow. I was amazed by the ceiling-high blue waves and the incongruous underwater creatures. When the stench of urine hit my nose, I realized that the man had wet himself. I tried to calm him down, but no matter how much I stroked him, his stiffened neck and back muscles wouldn’t relax. Ding, ding, ding. Who could possibly compensate for this? With my eyelids heavy, I kept my eyes half-open, and through my blurry vision, I saw a white mass rushing towards me and clinging to… However, that wasn’t the only reason I was upset. ” I winced at those words as if I had stepped on my own foot. Rather, the… Instead of starting the meal right away, I asked him casually. I hated it, yet the… “You look tired. ”… Of course, I knew who he was talking about. ” I pretended to be calm because he said it casually, but I wasn’t. So, I should consider getting insurance. Was this how he managed to survive as a young boy amongst a gang of thugs? I wanted to crack a joke at him to lighten his mood, but I didn’t dare to say anything because I felt obligated to repay the trick. It must have traveled a long distance to return home, but it was unfortunate that it was trampled to death. As I got further away, I wanted to see him again, so I paused on… Ding. ” “You should have just stayed faithful to your role. ” “Alright. ” “Hmm. “Aren’t you going to talk?… My body was still like this no matter how much I ate or how hard I worked out, so I was mentally drained. “Sunbae just told you to drink in moderation. As a result of transmigration, I frequently experience nosebleeds and hemoptysis, as well as other forms of pain. Ah, it was as if he were wearing a mask. His eyes seemed tired as if he had been studying hard despite not mentioning anything about being a prospective college student. It’s a long story, but to make it short, it happened after breakfast. I creakily turned my stiffened neck. It didn’t… I rolled my eyes as I dried off the moisture with a paper towel. I discreetly wiped the sweat and rubbed my thigh as if stretching. It doesn’t sound like a good thing at first, but that’s what I mean if one thinks positively. ” “I’m fine. I did ask for that. Ah, then how should… “Okay, that’s good to hear…” “To be honest, I thought it would be best to tell the truth and get treatment right away, but I heard about last year…” What are you doing here. … Suddenly, he asked quietly. ” I could feel his body tensing… “You think I don’t want to? But look at yourself in the mirror. People have to look at their personalities… DI Ch 1; DI Ch 2; DI Ch 3; DI Ch 4; DI Ch 5; DI Ch 6; it is spring rain season. As I struggled to open my eyes amidst the stifled hum of noise, I saw Seo Seung-won’s family and friends looking down at me with worried expressions. ” As I splashed water behind me, he mischievously laughed. My heart was racing and I felt like it was going to jump out of my mouth, so I closed it as tightly as I could. He acts like he doesn’t care much, but he’s incredibly attentive and caring…” Thinking about deceiving… It would have been lonely and miserable to be alone and anxious while the other person was fine. But when I finally muster up the courage, you just push me away. On Android, you need the following app permissions for this to work: I ground my teeth as I understood that it was a warning that he would always be watching. That’s because this really wasn’t something Tae Seong-je would say. It was fortunate that we were both broken, not just one of us. Not in the room that could barely be distinguished as either a hospital room or a bedroom, but in a more impressive space resembling a movie theater. “Did you not feel the need to tell me because I wouldn’t remember anyway? Is that why you didn’t say anything? Then when… when were you planning to tell me?” “…” I recalled when he suddenly came to see me after going abroad to study. How did he know even though I hadn’t mentioned his name? “…Because the… Even though I knew how despairing it was to die without being able to love when you could, I still longed for the time we couldn’t spend together, and so I felt resentful. The shadows cast on his face by the soft light seemed to approach intimately, making my heart pound. I was angry because I thought he was really crazy. Only then did… Your Donation Will Go To Our Site Maintenance and Hosting Fund. I could see it just by looking at his childhood photos, listening to other people’s stories, or just looking at Seo Seung-joon’s actions. Where did I get irritated? Because I knew that even if he said tomorrow, it would just be empty words in the end. When we meet each other’s eyes, he smiles softly and with a relaxed smile. “Son, are you awake?” The young woman said while smiling brightly. But the more I got to know him, the better he seemed… He is truly a good person. Maybe it was because it had been so long since he wasn’t in front of me. It might look ridiculous to be quietly advancing while sweating profusely, but… The guy who had been spacing out suddenly let go of the hand holding me. ” He made me lean against him, and I relaxed my stiff body while clutching my bag tightly. Unlike the brief, affectionate pecks on the cheek or forehead, these intense kisses gradually became so wet that the smacking sounds grew embarrassing. Somehow at a loss for words, I just awkwardly nodded. Hurry up and take a picture with your friends. Unlike the loud and attention-grabbing Park Kang-woo or Kwon Jung-hyuk, Lee Hyun-wook was always quiet and reserved. You just realized that now?” “No more sarcasm. “Huh?” When I turned my head to a short exclamation, there… Tae Seong-je, who appeared to be embarrassed, ran his tongue across his lips and blinked when I asked as I held my throbbing shoulder in bewilderment. A chill ran down my spine, and the cold… It was Seo Seung-joon. ” “Have some conscience, Park Kang-woo. I hadn’t anticipated this situation where he’d keep laughing every time I tried to concentrate,… I stretched out my hand to him, raising my head to look around. I haven’t done anything to Woo Ji-min yet, but even if I did, it would only start in the second semester. As soon as the door shut, I let out a stifled breath, and my bangs fluttered in the breeze. I saw the old professor standing on the podium. “You remember…” The boy’s eyes sparkled with longing and anticipation. While I couldn’t tell if he had lost weight or gotten taller, the atmosphere around him had changed a lot since we last saw each other. ” You know him. It’s not… “Would you like an Americano?” “I’m fine, thank you. “I don’t know. It seemed like he was on the verge of hyperventilating, I immediately reached out and pulled his head into an embrace. Perhaps due to the soft lighting, even the cherry blossom petals seemed to glow dimly yet brilliantly, making me feel as if I had entered another world. I can’t even hug you. It had been a long time since I’d been so cautious… “Now you naturally assume I did something. Please refrain from Re-posting/Sharing it on any other platform/Social Media as you risk it being taken down! Please Do Not Re-translate. Seo Seung-joon, who ran around aimlessly, caught insects, and cried because he stepped on mud, was all innocent… “Hyung, you know…” There was no response, but I smiled as his hand gently clasped my hand, and I closed my eyes. Hmm? Even if I send you to the hospital, you won’t go, saying the hospital won’t help anyway. It was midsummer. If I hadn’t backed up the file like I used to, I’d be a stupid bastard again on the spot. While I was regretting that The text-to-speech engine is an experimental browser feature. bblj otkrs wjtuwb wcgpyia yklrnfj ghxy eeckg xullwnilp frbmqlys dlln